As I was tagged to do a meme, I thought I would try a self portrait. Unfortunatley I forgot that when you are heavily pregnant it is probably not the best time to have pictures taken as you are usually quite puffy from the water retention. Oh well, this was the best of the bunch...heavily photoshopped LOL!
Each player makes a list of eight random facts/habits about themselves.
1. I am on maternity leave at the moment.
2. I am overdue by 5 days.
3. I amaze people with how much vinegar I can consume.
4. I can't wait to go on a family holiday with our new little addition.
5. I wish I could find someone to play guitar with.
6. I don't know what colour eyes I have, they're a kind of nothing colour that changes.
7. I get extremely sea sick.
8. I don't like large crowds of people.